
Nobel Prize-2023


       The Nobel Prize is a prestigious international award presented annually in several categories, including Physics, Chemistry, Medicine or Physiology, Literature, Peace, and Economic Sciences. Established by the will of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish inventor, engineer, and industrialist. The prizes aim to recognize individuals or organizations that imprints significant contributions to humanity in these respective fields. Recipients of the Nobel Prize are selected through a rigorous process, and the honor carries immense recognition and often influences global /international debate /discussion. There are total 03 persons in Physics, 03 persons in Chemistry, 02 person  in medicines and physiology, 01 person each in economics science, peace literature for Nobel prize-2023.

Nobel Prize-2023


1.  The Nobel Prize in Physics 2023

(A) Pierre Agostini   From-Tunisia, Born- 23 Jul 1941
(B)  Ferenc Krausz   From- Mor,Hungary, Born- 17 May 1962
(C)  Anne L ‘Huillier   From-Paris, France, Born- 16 August 1958

        The above three Nobel Prize laureates awarded Nobel prize in Physics-2023 for finding experimental methods that generate Atto-second pulses of light for the study of Electron dynamics in matter. One  Atto sec is equal to 10-18 seconds. So attosecond pulse of light lasts for 10-18 seconds and is extremely short pulse. These shortest possible pulse of light will be very  helpful to follow the electrons dynamics in real time in various physical and chemical processes. These short pulse of light will be shorter than the time taken by electron to rearrange making it visible in spectroscopy during its movement or change in energy state.

2.   The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023

(A)  Louis Eugene Brus  From-Ohio,USA,   Born- 10 Aug 1943
(B)  Alexey I. Ekimov/ Aleksey Yekimov From-Russia,   Born-  1945
(C)  Moungi Bawendi From-Paris, France, Born- 15 March 1961

       The above three Nobel Prize laureates awarded Nobel prize in Chemistry-2023 for enlightening the nanotechnology by discovering and developing the quantum dots(QD). These dots(QDs) are the tiny particles of semiconductor materials in nano dimension. These QDs have the properties of optical and electronic due to quantum mechanical effect. These dots reproduce the light of certain colour when illuminated due to transition of electrons from high energy band to valence band. These can now be  utilized to illuminate the tumour tissue for a surgeon with its clear light generated via  catalystic chemical reaction of light from source like LEDs.

3.  The Nobel Prize in Medicines 2023

(A)  Katalin Kariko From- Szolnok, Hungary,    Born- 17 January 1955
(B)  Drew Weissman From- Massachusetts,USA,   Born- 7 September 1959 

         The above two Nobel Prize laureates awarded Nobel prize in medicines and physiology-2023 for discovering and developing the effective m-RNA vaccines against the COVID-19 during the pandemic. They found the way of interaction between the m-RNA with our immune system. The mRNA /messenger RNA vaccines uses a copy of the m RNA of the pathogen and inserted into the immune cells. Thus our immune cells produce protein molecules of virus and stimulate the adaptive response to identify and destroy the pathogen upon entrance to body.  The development of vaccine help immensely in saving the peoples life from the claw of the greatest threat to human health. The discoveries of the vaccines came as a boon to the cursed human life in the world during the pandemic.

4.   The Nobel Prize in literature 2023

(A)  Jon Fosse From- Haugesund, Norway,  Born- 29 September 1959

       The above Nobel Prize laureates awarded Nobel prize in literature-2023 for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable.

5. The Nobel peace Prize 2023

(A)  Narges Mohammadi From-Zanjan, Iran,   Born- 21 April 1972

    The above Nobel Prize laureates awarded Nobel peace prize-2023 “for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all”. Iranian govt has imprisoned her on many charges and even in jail she continues with her protest for alleged death of Masha Amini in Sep 2022.  As per the police report the 22 year old died due to a heart attack while other prisoners alleged that she died due to police brutality in case of not putting on hijab properly.  Narges Mohammadi  selected for the Nobel peace prize for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and promotion of Human rights and peace and freedom for all.

6.  The Nobel Prize in Economics Sciences 2023

(A)   Claudia Goldin    From- New York, USA,   Born- 14 may 1946

      The above Nobel Prize laureates awarded Nobel prize in economics science-2023 for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes.  It changed the understanding of labour markets which include the contribution from both men and women. 


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